Logtrade Connect

by Logtrade Technology AB

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Booking, quoting and tracking of consignments with different carriers like DHL, FedEx, UPS and more.

Logtrade Connect

Simplify the daily work for your warehouse workers with printing of package labels and waybills directly from Sales Order, Inventory Pick or any other warehouse workflow.

Logtrade Connect is a cloud solution with more than 3 000 customers and as many different carriers. The communication validates that the consignment is in line with the carrier agreement avoiding additional charges.

Use different carriers – in the same way

One of the main ideas with Logtrade Connect is to be able to use different carriers when you ship, depending on goods size, destinations, customers etc. You can have different agreements for different carriers, or your customer may want you to ship on their agreement. This normally means that you have to integrate several carriers in your ERP, or that you need to work manually on the their booking web sites. With Logtrade Connect you have one single integration point regardless of carrier.


With Logtrade Connect you can easily interact directly from all processes in Dynamics 365 Business Central where you handle items; no needs to enter data twice. You can use additional carrier services such as advice, heat, cold, timed deliveries etc. If you deliver several orders in the same shipment you can consolidate them automatically to keep the freight cost down. With different settings it is also possible to automatically calculate correct freight price, create customs invoices and dangerous goods information calculated automatically based on the items shipped.

Labels are printed automatically and the electronic information to the carrier is also transferred automatically. The tracking number is saved on the shipped document to make it easy to track directly from Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported carriers

For each country there is a carrier package with the most common carriers for that country with possibility to add more carriers to your specific license.

A generic carrier module is included that can be used for your own logistic services or carriers not natively supported by LogTrade. It is possible to use different generic formats for electronic communication with these carriers.

How to buy

You need an agreement with Logtrade Technology AB. Contact Logtrade at to sign up for a license. Until then you can use Logtrade Connect in demo mode.

Supported editions:

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported countries:

Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, United Kingdom, Poland and United States.

Supported languages:

Swedish and English.

At a glance